Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Back with a tasty bite!

   So...I have to apologize for those of you who follow (or more than likely...followed) me. :( 7 months is a little too long to not put up a single post! Could I blame it on pregnancy? No? Well, okay...but I am pregnant, 27 weeks! We are very excited! We expect out second bean...our boy bean (!)...March 5th, 2013. I'm pretty sure our big bean (2.2 years!) does not really understand that mama is carrying a baby inside her belly. However, it is stinking cute to hear her say baby brother and pat my tummy!
   Some things we are into right now:
*Potty Training- This has been a struggle, but I think it is going really well. Sunday was the best so far. G woke up with a dry diaper and actually peed on the potty when we asked her to try! We tried again at church with no success in the potty, but diaper was still dry. She went in the potty a second time later in the afternoon. Diaper was still dry too! Prior to starting our AWANA club at church that evening, I took G into the bathroom to try again. Her diaper was still dry and she had a tiny #2 on the potty! The dry diaper finally came to an end during AWANA while she was in the nursery. It's all okay though, because she is getting the idea! If she is out of diapers before bean #2 arrives, I will be extremely happy. :)
*Lindt Chocolate- Did you know Lindt Chocolate does home parties now? Yup! You can have a party in your home themed all around chocolate! I became an advisor in September and am loving experiencing all that Lindt offers. I haven't tried everything yet, but this is an amazing company to be a part of! I love helping people find their favorite flavors and providing gift options that work for them. Check out my website to learn more! www.mylindtchocolatersvp.com/mac
*Break-in - Yeah...not something I want to be into at all. However, some punks broke into our home and stole some things. Most importantly our life. Pretty much every single piece of paper that had personal information on it...gone. So, for my week off of work, we have been doing a lot of paper work and getting everything back together. It is making me super frustrated. Thankful for my husband who reminds me that I'm pregnant and should not be so stressed!

That is enough for now, lol. I'll leave you with this awesome recipe I found tonight while searching for my craving of the moment! I have to thank Christy from The Girl Who Ate Everything for posting these 5 ingredient peanut butter chocolate chip cookies!

 5 Ingredient Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 cup creamy peanut butter
1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp baking soda
½ cup milk chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix all ingredients except chocolate chips. When blended, mix in the chocolate chips. Using your fingers, form 1 1/2 inch balls (dough will be very wet and sticky) and place onto an un-greased parchment lined cookie sheet. You don’t want to make them too big because they do spread. Bake for 9 minutes. Let the cookies sit on the cookies sheet for about 30 seconds to 1 minute before letting cool on a wire rack. Makes around a dozen small cookies.


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